Schools, teachers and tertiary learning institutions

Nairobi Arboretum has education programmes to inspire environmental awareness and cultivate a connection to nature and through highlighting the practical benefits of conservation to people, as well as animals.

The Arboretum offers a wide variety of environmental educational and outreach programmes for schools, teachers and tertiary learning institutions (all levels).  The children learn environmental themes such as sustainable development, forest conservation, wetlands protection and waste management. We engage the young ones in activities like Art in the Trees, Trees and Mathematics, Nature treasure hunts to inculcate in them concern and care for the environment at a young age.

The Arboretum  also offers  specific educational activities planned by teachers together with Arboretum education staff.  It offers in-house special lectures/film shows for schools and the general public. Soon the Arboretum will introduce an outreach programme  to help those limited by time or transport and are not able to reach the arboretum be able to build a connection to science that reaches beyond the classroom walls.

We believe that to secure a better tomorrow, we must impart ideas and ideals about conservation in the younger generations today. We provide tours to schools who pre-book, receiving over  children from both private and public schools. If the time allows, the tour ends with the children watching videos on environmental subjects.



Children having a day of learning and fun at the Arboretum.Art and nature.

Educational nature films are a great way to teach children the importance of protecting our environment

Environmental Education Programme

This aims at encouraging appreciation and better understanding of Kenya’s trees, forests and plant conservation among all age groups/audience. To ensure the students grasp the concepts  lessons customized depending on on the age group and where the school is coming from.