Environmental Education Programme

The programme educates and equips people with knowledge and skills to appreciate and better understand the   environmental issues and how individuals and businesses can manage or change their lifestyles and ecosystems to live sustainably.    Further it impart knowledge on Kenya’s trees, forests and plant conservation among all age groups/audience so that they can work with nature to improve quality of their lives.  This done through:

  • Education and outreach: pre-booking and impromptu school visits to the Arboretum offers a chance to interaction with school and university students on varying topics such as forest conservation, marine ecology, climate change etc.


  • Tree walks: Guided tree walks every second Saturday and last Monday of the month.


  • Lectures /educational films: Through the Arboretum Education Officer, lectures/films are organised and held every last Thursday of the month with the aim of enlightening the public on environmental conservation issues.


  • Compost and gardening courses: Practical garden maintenance and how to convert litter into compost manure.